The majority of university assignments still require you to write – and with good reason. Writing is not just how we demonstrate our understanding of a topic – in many cases it is how we learn. The ability to start with a blank page and order your ideas into something that is coherent, engaging and insightful is one of the most important skills to develop at university.
Not only will honing your skills in this area benefit your academic marks – an engaging, well-structured essay is a delight to any lecturer – but your ability to communicate effectively with the written word will reap dividends far beyond university. As Warren Buffet says – when faced with a choice between two equal candidates: “hire the best writer!”
A range of courses that can help you to develop your writing at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. These focus on all aspects of the writing process – from planning and structure to academic style, grammar and word choices. We also provide personalised support on specific aspects of writing to help you refine your writing and boost your grades. You can also access a range of online materials to help you to write your assignment effectively.