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During the time you are waiting for the Form I-130 approval, your child could reach age 21. For the purposes of immigration, U.S. immigration law generally defines “children” as persons under the age of 21. Therefore, reaching a 21st birthday could prevent sons and daughters from immigrating. The Child Status Protection Act (CSPA) prevents many children from “aging out” of eligibility for permanent residence.
However, the CSPA doesn’t apply to all children in all situations.
Immigration law defines a child as an individual who is unmarried and under the age of 21. Historically, many child beneficiaries were aging out because of large backlogs and long processing times for visa petitions. Once they turned 21, the law didn’t consider them children for immigration purposes. This could be devastating for a family trying to re-unify.
Congress recognized this problem and passed the Child Status Protection Act (CSPA). The CSPA changed who qualifies as a child for purposes of immigration. The CSPA took effect on August 6, 2002, and permits certain beneficiaries to retain classification as a child, even if he or she has reached the age of 21. The law protects family-based immigrants, employment-based immigrants, and some humanitarian program immigrants (refugees, asylees, VAWA) from aging out.
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To be eligible for the Child Status Protection Act, all of the following must be true:
You can learn more about the additional rules and eligibility criteria at
If the petition (Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative) was filed by a U.S. citizen parent for his or her child, the beneficiary’s age “freezes” on the date of filing. If the petition (Form I-130) was filed by a permanent resident parent and the parent naturalizes before the beneficiary turns 21, the beneficiary’s age “freezes” on the date the petitioner naturalized.
CSPA allows the time a visa petition was pending to be subtracted from the beneficiary’s biological age at the time of visa availability so that the applicant is not penalized for the time in which USCIS did not adjudicate the petition.
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