Full-time MBA | Admissions

The 2024 NYU x NYU / Stern application is now available. Apply Here.

The NYU x NYU / Stern program offers highly qualified and motivated undergraduates from the College of Arts and Science, Tandon School of Engineering, Global Liberal Studies, Stern School of Business, and Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development the opportunity to pursue their two-year Full-Time MBA at NYU Stern within 2-5 years after graduation.

Students accepted into the program will receive a $10,000 Early Advancement Award to be applied to their Full-time MBA tuition upon enrolling at NYU Stern. Admitted students will also be eligible for consideration of further NYU Stern scholarships, including a specially designated one-year Berkley Early Advancement Fellowship covering full tuition and fees, in the year in which they enroll at Stern.

All applicants to the NYU x NYU / Stern program must submit the NYU x NYU / Stern application and should not submit a separate application for the Full-Time MBA program.


To be eligible to apply to the NYU x NYU / Stern program, you must:


NYU Undergraduate
Graduation Date
Application DeadlineNotification Date
September 2023
January 2024
May 2024
June 17, 2024September 1, 2024

Your application must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. US Eastern Time on the day of the deadline. Any mailed applications must be postmarked by the deadline date. By the initial notification date, you will receive one of three initial notifications: invitation to interview, waitlist offer or denial of admission.


As a NYU x NYU / Stern applicant, please see the following requirements to apply. To apply, please click on the apply now button above.

A standardized test score is not required to apply to the program. The application fee to the NYU x NYU / Stern program will be waived for all applicants who meet the eligibility criteria.

Prior to applying, please review the NYU x NYU / Stern policies below.


Interviews are available by invitation only. If invited to interview, you will be able to schedule your interview via your application status page.

Interviews are conducted via video or phone. Interviews are typically conducted by our trained admissions professionals, who will have thoroughly reviewed your entire application.

Enrolling at NYU Stern

If admitted to the NYU x NYU / Stern program, you will be expected to gain 2-5 years of valuable post-undergraduate work experience in related fields prior to enrolling at NYU Stern. Once admitted to the NYU x NYU / Stern program, you’ll hear from the Admissions Committee before each year you are eligible to enroll at Stern.

Admitted students may have an opportunity to join the one-year Andre Koo Tech & Entrepreneurship MBA or one-year Fashion & Luxury MBA programs instead of the Full-time 2 year MBA program in the year they plan to enroll. More information an be found here.

To enroll, you must:

You will be asked to complete these steps in the admissions cycle prior to your intended start date. For example, if you plan to enroll in the Fall of 2025, you must submit your abbreviated application in the 2024-2025 admissions cycle.

Please do not submit a standard application for the NYU Stern two-year Full-Time MBA program.

Once you have completed the necessary steps for enrollment, your $10,000 Early Advancement Award will be applied to your two-year Full Time MBA tuition.The $10,000 Early Advancement Award may not be used to pay your non-refundable enrollment deposit. Admitted students will also be eligible for consideration of further NYU Stern scholarships, including a specially designated one-year Berkley Early Advancement Fellowship covering full tuition and fees, in the year in which they enroll at Stern.

Admissions Policies

Additional Submissions by Waitlisted Applicants
The Admissions Committee reserves the right to make final decisions on waitlisted applications prior to receiving additional information. Materials received after a final decision will not affect that decision.

Application Fee
There is no application fee to the NYU x NYU / Stern program for those that are eligible to apply.

Applying Prior to Completing your NYU Undergraduate Degree
Students may apply to the NYU x NYU / Stern program if they are in their final semester of study and have a cumulative 3.50 GPA or higher at the time of applying.

Change of Contact Information
The Admissions Committee communicates with applicants primarily through email. It is the applicant’s responsibility to update NYU Stern immediately with a new email address. Changes to your email should be made on the application status page. Failure to update your email may result in you missing key information, which could jeopardize your admission and/or place in the class. NYU Stern is not responsible for any technological issues (including email filters, etc.) that prevent applicants from receiving our communications.

Enrollment Deposit
In the admissions cycle prior to your enrollment, non-refundable enrollment deposits are required to secure your place in NYU Stern's MBA program. Enrollment deposits will not be refunded for any reason. The $10,000 Early Advancement Award may not be used to pay your non-refundable enrollment deposit.

Final Decisions
The Admissions Committee reserves the right to release a decision at any time during the application process. All admissions decisions are final.

Final GPA requirement
A final cumulative GPA of 3.50 or above is required to apply to the NYU x NYU / Stern program. The final cumulative GPA must meet the minimum 3.50 requirement without rounding up.

The NYU + MBA is separate from the NYU x NYU / Stern program. To learn more about the NYU + MBA program, please visit the website.

Official Transcripts for Enrolling Students
Admitted students are required to provide an official copy of all academic transcripts and proof of their degree conferral prior to enrollment. Failure to provide official transcripts and proof of degree conferral by the deadline given will result in your admission offer expiring.

Re-Applying to the two-year Full-Time MBA program and other MBA programs
The NYU x NYU / Stern only provides admission to Stern’s two-year Full-Time MBA program. Applicants interested in applying to the Fashion & Luxury MBA, Tech MBA or Langone Part-Time MBA program should apply directly to those programs using the standard application.

NYU undegraduate alumni who were not admitted to the NYU x NYU / Stern program are eligible to apply to any Stern MBA program using the standard application process and may be eligible to apply through the NYU + MBA process.

If admitted to the NYU x NYU / Stern program, admitted students will automatically receive a $10,000 Early Advancement Award to be applied to their two-year Full-time MBA tuition upon enrolling at NYU Stern. Admitted students will also be eligible for consideration of further NYU Stern scholarships, including a specially designated one-year Berkley Early Advancement Fellowship covering full tuition and fees, in the year in which they enroll at Stern.

Before submitting an application, all applicants are required to read and electronically sign the Statement of Certification. NYU Stern reserves the right to contact appropriate sources to ensure the accuracy of all the information you have provided. NYU Stern validates the accuracy of application information with the appropriate sources. You must promptly inform NYU Stern if any information changes. NYU Stern may revoke your admission and/or scholarship(s) if we learn that you have misrepresented and/or omitted information during or after the admissions process, or that you have engaged in behavior showing a serious lack of judgment or integrity prior to or after admission. If your admission is revoked, you will not be eligible to re-apply to any NYU Stern MBA program.

Any items submitted to NYU Stern in conjunction with your application become the sole property of NYU Stern and will not be returned, duplicated, or transferred.

Submitting a Paper Application
Approval is required to submit a paper application. If you are unable to apply online, please send an email to sternmba@stern.nyu.edu to explain the circumstances and request approval.

Submitting a Paper EQ Endorsement
Approval is required for your endorser to submit a paper endorsement. If your endorser is unable to submit an endorsement online, please send an email to admchair@stern.nyu.edu to explain the circumstances and request approval.

Verifying Employment Upon Enrollment
In the admissions cycle prior to enrollment, NYU x NYU / Stern admits will be required to provide proof of work experience.

Verifying Final GPA at Degree Conferral
Prior to being admitted into the NYU x NYU / Stern program, you must submit your final degree conferral and final transcript indicuation your final cumulative GPA of 3.50 or higher.

Program Policies

Mandatory Orientation
Full-time MBA Requirements: Successful completion of our orientation in its entirety is a prerequisite for enrollment into the Full-time MBA program. Therefore, attendance for the entire schedule of orientation is mandatory. Orientation dates will be communicated prior to your enrollment at Stern.

Dual Degree Programs
NYU x NYU / Stern admitted students are not eligible to apply to NYU Stern’s dual degree programs.

Transferring Credits
NYU Stern does not accept transfer credits.

General Policies

Notice of Intent
This publication does not form a contract of any kind.

Notice of Right to Change Information at Any Time
The policies, requirements, course offerings, schedules, activities, tuition, fees and calendar of the School and its departments and programs set forth on this website are subject to change without notice at any time at the sole discretion of the administration. Such changes may be of any nature, including, but not limited to, the elimination of the School, programs, program options, locations, classes or activities; the relocation or modification of the content of any of the aforementioned; and the cancellation of scheduled classes or other academic activities. Payment of tuition or attendance at any classes shall constitute a student’s acceptance of the administration’s rights set forth in this paragraph.

Policy Statement
New York University is committed to a policy of equal treatment and opportunity in every aspect of its relations with its faculty, students and staff members without regard to age, citizenship status, color, disability, marital or parental status, national origin, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or any other legally protected status.


What is Stern looking for in their applicants?
NYU Stern evaluates each candidate holistically across three dimensions throughout their complete application: academic profile, professional achievements and aspirations, and personal characteristics. We seek students with strong intellectual ability, superior interpersonal skills, and a desire to create value for business and society.

Is work experience a requirement to apply? What type of work experience is Stern looking for?
Students do not need to have prior work experience prior to applying. However, it is expected that once admitted, students gain 2-5 years of valuable and career-related work experience prior to starting their MBA at Stern.

What is considered "valuable work experience" from the perspective of the admissions committee?
There is no concrete, specific professional experience that the admissions committee is looking for or expecting. What the admissions committee would like to see in that 2-5 years is professional growth that can inform your MBA experience. This growth could be demonstrated through an increase in responsibility like working on larger-scale projects or taking on a leadership/mentor role, for example.

Do I need to know when I plan to get my MBA?
Once admitted to the NYU x NYU program as a senior, you may choose to enroll in the Full-Time 2-year program within 2-5 years after your undergraduate graduation.

Is admission to the program binding?
No. Once admitted to the NYU x NYU program as a senior, you may choose to enroll in the Full-Time 2-year program within 2-5 years after your undergraduate graduation. Essentially, a seat is reserved for you in a future Stern MBA class, but the admission is not binding.

What is the minimum GPA needed to apply?
To be eligible to apply, students must have a 3.50 minimum cumulative GPA.

Are there any majors that Stern is looking for?
Stern students come from liberal arts, engineering, business and social sciences academic backgrounds. We are not looking for any particular major, nor is one more valuable than the other. Our most recent class profile has additional information on the incoming class.

Are international students eligible?
International students are eligible to apply to the NYU x NYU / Stern program. A valid student visa will be required for study at NYU Stern. Please note that NYU Stern will not provide visa eligibility prior to the start of classes.

What if I have not graduated by the time I apply?
Students may apply to the NYU x NYU / Stern program if they are in their final semester of study and have a cumulative 3.50 GPA or higher at the time of applying.

What if I’m not accepted to the program? Can I still apply in subsequent years?
Yes, you are eligible to apply to Stern in the year you plan to enroll using our standard application process. Read more about our NYU + MBA program specifically for NYU alumni. Please note, you will not be eligible for the NYU x NYU / Stern Early Advancement Award.

Who should I ask to write my EQ endorsement if I have limited professional experience?
EQ endorsements should come from individuals who can objectively assess your potential for success in NYU Stern's MBA program and in your future career, and who can act as a persuasive advocate of your EQ strengths. If you have limited professional experience, possible recommenders could be a supervisor from an internship/summer role or research project, a professor, or a mentor.

What is the total cost of attendance?
Information regarding the current cost of attendance and tuition may be found on the Full-time MBA Financial Aid website.

Will all students admitted to the NYU x NYU / Stern program receive the $10,000 Early Advancement Award?
Yes, students admitted to the NYU x NYU / Stern program will be awarded a $10,000 Early Advancement Award to be applied to their tuition at Stern. This is a one-time award and cannot be renewed.

Does the $10,000 Early Advancement Award expire?
The award may be used within and up to 5 years from the date of your undergraduate graduation.

Can I complete a dual degree through this program?
No, you cannot complete a dual degree through the NYU x NYU / Stern program. If you are interested in a dual degree, you will need to apply through our standard dual degree application. For more information, please visit the webpage for the specific dual degree you are interested in.

Can I take classes as a non-matriculated student?
Non-matriculated students cannot enroll in Stern MBA courses. However, NYU Stern offers non-credit, 2 - 3 day Short Courses on the latest management thinking and practices. The NYU School of Professional Studies also offers courses in a wide variety of subjects, such as Finance, Marketing, Management and E-Business.

Are admissions officers available for appointments?
We do not offer 1:1 meetings with members of the Admissions Committee, and our interviews are by invitation-only. If you are interested in the Full-time MBA, please check the Visit Stern section of our website for information on how to connect with the MBA Admissions team via virtual information sessions as well as virtual events and webinars.

Can I speak to an alum?
We encourage you to contact our current second-year MBA Graduate Ambassadors at mbaga@stern.nyu.edu to learn more about the Stern experience. Our alumni remain very engaged with Stern and meet with prospective students while attending our on-campus events and off-campus information sessions.

Where can I find more information about the application process for NYU x NYU / Stern?
To learn more about the program and the application process, we recommend watching this recording of an NYU x NYU Information Session. Hosted live: 04/04/23