Report On Career Counselling Program Held In Your School

Report On Career Counselling Program Held In Your School

Gandhinagar, Madhya Pradesh

20 th January 2019

A career counseling program was held in our school on 20 th January for all the students to understand various fields. The program was basically for the students of class 6 th to class 12 th which are in their career deciding years. Our school counselor ma’am organized the program in the common hall of the school at 9 am after the assembly got over. The program started by 9:15 after all the students were seated at the respective rows allotted for each class. Firstly our counselor introduced us to various courses of science, commerce and arts as the basics and then she explained us the sea of opportunities in the outer world. She also encouraged us on choosing the field we’re interested in rather than allowing somebody else to govern it. In the program we also learnt about various subjects of courses such as geology, archeology, arthshastra and many more which are generally not told to the students. We should choose the subject and area in which we’re genuinely interested and only then we will be able to succeed and make a name for ourselves. Our various subject teachers also told their experiences while introducing their subjects and telling us the courses that they did in order to become what they are. I personally was fascinated by our chemistry professor who was a PhD and studied very hard to reach the position of HOD (Head of department). By the end of the program we were given two forms, a feedback form and a form which will have our basic details and our field of interest through which our school will help us explore more in that subject. The program ended by 2 pm and then we were allowed to go and have food. We all learnt a lot in the program and were very happy that our school organized such an interesting program. I thank every teacher, principal sir and especially our counselor ma’am who helped us a lot.