Subject-Verb Agreement

All sentences have a Subject and a Verb. Subject –Verb agreement refers to the rule in English that a Verb must agree with its Subject at all times.
When the Subject is singular, the Verb is singular.
Examples of such nouns are dynamics, economics, electronics, physics, statistics, and mathematics.
Fill in the blanks in the following sentences, with the right form of the verb.
- They ………. a grand party today.
- Neither my sister nor my brother …………… Mandarin.
- Josephine and her friend Francine ………. going on a trip.
- Both my father and my mother ………… books every night before sleep.
- Not Jane but her sisters ………… interested in watching the Olympics.
- A handful of seeds …… all the farmer needed.
- The boy, like his father, ………… very tall.
- Each pupil ………… given a certificate.
- ………… anybody seen my pen?
- The gang of thieves ……….. escaped.
- They have a grand party today.
- Neither my sister nor my brother speaks Mandarin.
- Josephine and her friend Francine are going on a trip.
- Both my father and my mother read books every night before sleep.
- Not Jane but her sisters are interested in watching the Olympics.
- A handful of seeds was all the farmer needed.
- The boy, like his father, is very tall.
- Each pupil was given a certificate.
- Has anybody seen my pen?
- The gang of thieves has escaped.
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